Privacy Alert for Personal Data Protection

Your personal data it's protected, we don't share with another entity, it's only used for products of  HackerJPD .

Terms and conditions

1. The purpose of this Privacy Notice is to protect personal data for each one of the users that shall use HackerJPD apps, through their legitimate treatment, controlled and informed, in order to guarantee your privacy, as well as your right to informative self-determination.

2.- Personal Data is any information concerning an identified natural person or identifiable; The zone in charge of collecting the personal data is the registration area (process that could be done appropriately on Sign Up zone of mobile/web application).

3.- By providing your personal information through an application or the website, and filling out the form correctly, you accept and you authorize to use and process your data in an automated way personal information and information, which will be part of our database with the purpose of using them, in an enunciative way, but not limitative, to: identify yourself, locate you, communicate, contact you, send you information and / or goods, as well as to send them and / or transfer them to third parties, inside and outside the national territory, any means that the law allows to fulfill our social purposes.

4.- The temporality of the handling of your personal data will be indefinite as of the date in which the proportions, being able to oppose the handling of them in any moment that you consider appropriate, with the limitations of Law; in case you request of opposition is appropriate, the HackerJPD Apps will stop handling your personal data without any responsibility on our part.

I've read and accept the privacy content.