Xamarin Forms Bottom Menu Shell Navigation

Welcome to this Hands on Lab about how to use the Bottom Tab Bar of Shell Navigation

In the previous post Xamarin Forms Flyout Shell Navigation we made an example with flyout navigation, so let's modify it to implement the bottom bar.

As you can see at Solution Explorer you must have a file with the name of AppShell.xaml

Once you open that file go to the line number 131, you'll have a ShellItem tag with Title property = Bottom Tabs.

If you see inside this tag a comment you must select that section and uncomment it, so it must look like this:

Now just compile the application, run it with your phone or emulator, tap on Bottom Tabs and that's it you'll see a beautiful Bottom Menu !!!


Related Links

Last post: Xamarin Forms Flyout Shell Navigation

Microsoft Shell Documentation: Xamarin.Forms Shell

Shell Demo repo: Shell Demo

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