Podcast: POP! New docs, blogs, customer showcases, and Twitch streams!

This month’s Visual Studio Mobile Developer’s Podcast POPs! Matt and James talk about a ton of newness out there for all mobile developers including a hot new Xamarin documentation landing page. They also discuss the brand new one-stop-shop for all Microsoft development blogs. But the action does not stop there! The newness continues with customer app showcases and releases including Xamarin.Forms 3.5, 3.6 AND Xamarin.Essentials 1.1.0. Plus tune in to get the lowdown on how to supercharge your Xamarin.UITests with something known as the Page Object Pattern – POP POP! We also talk about Microsoft //Build, an amazing Twitch Team (and XamU is even going to be streaming!), some new releases for Visual Studio, and of course… the Pick of the Pod!!

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